Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Tips for Healthy Relationships

Hello Everybody!
Good Evening & How r u?

Topic today that I want to discuss is, How to build a healthy relationship.

So What is relationship in general? I would say it is about Creating bond among the people that we mingle. And why we aim for a healthy relationship? Yes, to maintain a trouble free successful journey of life.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Caution! Being Facetious may downgrade you...

Hey there!

What I am going to discuss now is about facetious. I know you guys would be knowing the meaning of facetious. But you guys should also know how to use this habit on your situations.

If you are a professional who works in an organization, this habit would (am not saying it WILL) downgrade you in such a way that your colleagues would think you are not a serious personnel, and there are chances that they would not consider you for serious discussions or decision makings.